Are you aware of the new changes to the new ACT essay?
If you are taking the ACT test on or before September 12th, you will need to learn about the new ACT essay.
Here’s how things are changing
Time: Students will have 40 minutes instead of 30 minutes to complete the essay.
Content: Students will receive a description of a controversial issue and then there will be three prospectives on the issue (adopting one of the prospectives as your own, taking the stated perspective to create your own, or coming up with an entirely new perspective to create your argument.)
Two designated graders score each of the following sections of the test from 1-6, and at the end, they come up with a final scaled score of 1-36.
Here are the 4 categories of evaluation
- Ideas and analysis (Argument)
- Organization (Introduction, body, conclusion)
- Development and support (Evidence)
- Language use (Grammar & mechanics)
If we can help your child prepare for the upcoming ACT test, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 405.820.3486 or mastertutoringokc [at] yahoo [dot] com to plan your individualized tutoring sessions.
Teaching ACT/SAT Test Taking Strategies
As a test prep tutor, I have worked with many students from public and private schools on how to raise their scores or simply get prepared for ACT/SAT tests. Nearly every time I go through the test taking strategies, I hear “I wish I knew this stuff the first time I took the test” from my students. The strategies are simple but so effective that has helped raise 99.9% of my students’ scores.
Here is how we teach our students to approach the ACT and SAT
When it comes to getting prepped for one of these test, we provide strategies specific to each section and question type so that students can approach and know exactly what to do. Beside strategies, conceptual teaching is another component of our tutoring sessions. For example, our students know exactly what math formulas they need to know by heart by the test time, or what english grammars or type of questions, they can expect to see. Last but not least, if the student is on top of the concepts covered in the test and know what strategies to use and where but can not manage his/her time, the impact on the score will be tremendous! We teach our students how to manage their time on each section of the test and how to finish each section within a timely manner.
Strategies, knowledge of the test’s concepts, and time management are everything your student need to know to get one step closer to getting into their favorite college, or to receive full ride scholarship from the college they’re attending. Even the brightest students need that extra push to reach their goals. Take advantage of our test prep tutorial sessions that could be either one-on-one or in a small group setting (maximum of 6 students per group) to get prepared for the test.
To learn more about our test prep services and how we can help your child, contact Pam Mokhtari @ 405.820.3486 or email her @ mastertutoringokc [at] yahoo [dot] com